Saturday, November 20, 2010

Macarons, yum!

 I've been so busy with culinary school lately I haven't had time to bake anything, but I thought I would post about these lovely french macarons my boyfriend Josh bought for me. These delicate little cookies have become one of my favorites. In the past, the closest I could get to the real ones from Paris were the frozen ones at Trader Joe's. I stumbled upon Payard Patisserie which makes authentic french macarons, and Josh was so sweet and ordered me a box. I have attempted to make macarons once before, and they were so fragile many of them broke before I could even sandwich them together. I think I might attempt a second batch sometime in the near future however.

The flavors included: vanilla, strawberry, coffee, chocolate, and coca-cola.

My favorite had to be the vanilla, strawberry and coffee. The coca-cola was very interesting and actually had a slight carbonation to it.

The strawberry ones were so good I ate them before I could even get pictures


these little hamburger cookies are so cute


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